Include the post categories in the listing

Display Posts can include a list of terms associated with each post in the listing. These can be categories, tags, or any custom taxonomy. If you set category_display=”true” it will include a listing of the categories. You can also list tags ( category_display=”post_tag”) or any custom taxonomy ( category_display=”taxonomy_name”). Here’s an example from this site. […]

Date Queries

The date query feature in WordPress only works with the actual date columns in the WP database (post_date and post_modified). If you’re trying to use a date stored as metadata, you’ll want to use a Meta Query. Here are some examples of meta queries using dates: Display upcoming events from Sugar Events Calendar Display upcoming […]

Taxonomy Queries

Taxonomies are tools for organizing content in WordPress. Categories and tags are built-in taxonomies, and you can create additional taxonomies. Use the parameters below to query based on taxonomy terms. taxonomyThe taxonomy you would like to query tax_termThe term (or terms) you would like to include tax_operatorOperator to test. Possible values are ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, […]