Display meta value in output

Display Posts includes many display parameters for customizing what is displayed in the post listing output. You can include things like the post title, image, excerpt, content, date, author, categories, and more. You can use the output filter to both modify existing pieces of the output (ex: default image) and add your own custom pieces […]

Display author avatar

You can display the author name in the listings using Display the current search results by Bill EricksonDisplay posts as a select dropdown by Bill EricksonRemove “by” when displaying author name by Bill EricksonDisplay specific posts by Bill EricksonReversed Ordered List by Bill EricksonDisplay image from post content if no featured image by Bill EricksonAdd extra text after title by Bill EricksonUse […]

FacetWP Support

FacetWP is an advanced filtering plugin for WordPress. It lets you build smart filters based on attributes of your content (categories, tags, metadata, publish date…). By default it applies only to the main query on the page, but it can also be applied to custom queries (more information). The code below will let you use […]

Meta Queries

You can query for posts based on their metadata using a Meta Query. For instance, WordPress stores the featured image using the _thumbnail_id meta key. To display the most recent posts that have a featured image, use: You can also sort resorts by meta keys. See the tutorial on displaying popular posts by share count […]