Let’s say you are using Display Posts to list products and would like to include ” in Peterborough” to the end of each title within the link. We’ll use the output filter to add a new parameter, after_title, and include that as part of the title. Usage: Display the current search resultsDisplay posts as a […]
Filter: pre_display_posts_shortcode_output
This is the first filter to run in Display Posts, before the attributes are setup and before the query runs. Use this to prevent the shortcode from running or return a cached copy of the shortcode output.
Caching queries to improve performance
This is available as a separate plugin: Display Posts – Transient Cache Some users will build very complex queries involving multiple taxonomy and meta queries. These can be computationally expensive to run, and running the query on every uncached pageload is not necessary. We can store the output of the shortcode in a transient – […]